Coverage Map Types

You can select from three different dynamic visualizations of the Coverage Map.

You can use these Coverage Maps to effortlessly track the AISG execution’s journey through the application being tested, leverage AI hints more effectively, and generate precise DS scripts to replicate issues.

How are they different?

  • The Original and Extended Potential coverage maps show you where can go from one page to another, however it does not mean that the AI followed exactly that path.

  • The Extended Potential coverage map is an enhanced version of the Original coverage map. It shows more information such as more page states and page relationships. This can show you relationships that the AI did not actually navigate, but learned about during the execution.

    You will see more states and page relations on it than on real path, meaning that we can tell user "see, AI wasn't there, but we know that this relation also exist"

  • The Actual Path coverage map shows you the exact path that the AI followed through the application. This will let you track the AI training process and help you make further decisions on training the AI.

To take advantage of the new Coverage Map types you must rerun any existing 5.0.x executions on 5.2.0. You can open a 5.0.x Blueprint file (.abpt) in AIQ 5.2.0 but the new Coverage Map types will not be available automatically.


This is the default visualization of the coverage map. It is the view that has been used in previous versions of AIQ.

Extended Potential

The Extended Potential view of the Coverage Map shows you the potential path the AI traveled to reach a particular page state. This view is similar to the Original view of the Coverage Map, but contains more states and page relationships.

The Extended Potential view of the Coverage Map was added in the 5.2.0 release of AIQ.

Actual Path

The Actual Path view of the Coverage Map shows the actual path that the AI took when navigating the application under test. You can use this to track the AI training process and help you make further decisions on training the AI.

The Actual Path view of the Coverage Map was added in the 5.2.0 release of AIQ.