Testing Considerations

Here are some guidelines for the various options that you can enable when executing Blueprints.

When to use smart tags and why?

Smart tags are used to identify elements on a page that might not be correctly interacted with. The other use for a smart tag is to limit where the blueprint navigates.

When to use validations workbench and why?

Validations are used throughout the AI BP to get the value that the customer wants. Validations are extremely important when getting value as you can designate the business rules and visually see all the results.

When to use network workbench and why?

Network workbench is used to monitor resource usage for AI BP. This generally isn’t used.

When to use AI Hints and how that is useful?

AI hints are useful when you want the AI BP to run a specific user flow in your greater blueprint or if you want to help jump to a starting point to start data driving forms.