Visual Accessors for Mobile Testing Enhancements
The implementation for using Visual Accessors in the Mobile Testing IDE has been updated in the AIQ 4.9.4 release to make the functionality easier to use.
Starting / Existing Visual Accessor Capture Mode
Right click and select Capture Visual Accessor to start the capture mode.. While in capture mode all other capture options in the context menu are unavailable.
At any time you can click Exit Visual Accessor Capture Mode to exit capture mode.
Adding a Visual Accessor to a Test Script
This shows you the basic process to add a visual accessor to a test script.
In the Mobile Testing IDE, create a new test script or open an existing test script.
In the Device tab, right click and select Capture Visual Accessor.
As confirmation, the message “Capture Visual Accessor Mode Activated” displays. The entire application screen is captured.
In the Device tab, select the capture area.
Click Confirm Crop Area to accept the selected region. Click Cancel to exit crop mode. If needed you can exit and then reselect a region.
In the editing window, use the handles to adjust the area used as the target reference.
Once you have adjusted the target area, click Confirm Target Reference.
Click anywhere inside the target area to add a click point.
Click Save.
As confirmation, the message “Target saved successfully” displays.
The visual accessor is added to your test script.
If you hover over the image, the current accessor target, including x, y, w, h, cx, and cy displays.
Example : Visual Accessor in Log File
When running the script, you can verify in the Log tab that the visual accessor you created is being selected correctly. The red highlights show the target region and click point.
Using Visual Accessors on Windows
There is a known issue when using Visual Accessors that only occurs on the Windows platform. If do not see changes that you have made in the IDE, and the IDE is unresponsive, you may need to refresh your browser to see recent changes that you have made in the IDE.
This issue will be addressed in a upcoming AIQ release.